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How I use YARD for Ruby

There are many code documentation specifications for Ruby like RDoc, YARD, TomDoc etc. but personally I prefer using YARD.


To use YARD for documenting your code, you will need to install the YARD gem using gem install yard Then, you can add YARD comments to your code, following a specific syntax. For example

class Person
  # Greets a person
  # @param [String] name the name of the person
  # @return [String] the greeting
  def greet(name)
    "Hello #{name}"

Once you have added YARD comments to your code, generate the documentation site by running the yard command. For example yard doc person.rb. This will generate the documentation site in the doc directory. You can run it locally using yard server command It is a list of static html files, so it can be hosted on any web server.

Cheat Sheet

I have created a cheatsheet to remember the relevant tags

# Represents a generic document in a document management system.
# @abstract
# @author John Doe
# @since 1.0.0
# @deprecated Use NewDocument instead.
class Document
  # @!attribute [r] title
  #   @return [String]
  attr_reader :title

  # @!attribute [w] description
  #   @return [String]
  attr_writer :description

  # @!attribute [rw] sections
  #   @api private
  #   @return [Array<Section>]
  attr_accessor :sections

  # Initializes a new Document instance.
  # @note This method should be called with care.
  # @param [String] title the title of the document
  # @param [String] description the description of the document
  # @param [Hash] options additional configuration options
  # @option options [Boolean] :editable whether the document can be edited
  # @yieldparam [String] content The content of the document.
  # @yieldreturn [String] Returns a modified content.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if the title is nil
  # @return [Document] a new Document instance
  def initialize(title, description, options = {})
    raise ArgumentError, "Title cannot be nil" unless title

    @title       = title
    @description = description
    @editable    = options.fetch(:editable, true)

    @content = yield(content) if block_given?

  # Edits the document content.
  # @overload edit(new_content)
  #   @param [String] new_content the new content for the document
  #   @return [Boolean] true if editing was successful, false otherwise
  # @overload edit
  #   @yield Gives a block to process the current content.
  #   @yieldreturn [String] Returns the new content after processing.
  #   @return [Boolean] true if editing was successful, false otherwise
  # @deprecated Use `modify` method instead.
  def edit(new_content = nil)
    if new_content
      @content = new_content
    elsif block_given?
      @content = yield(@content)

  # @todo Implement a proper save mechanism
  def save
    # Implementation pending

  # Views the document
  # @example Viewing the document title
  #   document.view_title #=> "Sample Document"
  # @see #edit
  # @return [String] the title of the document
  def view_title


This covers all the tags. It is available as gist.

Custom tags

YARD supports .yardopts file to store configuration options. It can also used for custom tags. I use custom tags to document Rails controller actions.

--tag url
--tag action
class DocumentsController < ApplicationController

  # @url /documents
  # @action GET
  # List all documents.
  def index
    @documents = Document.all

  # @url /documents/:id
  # @action GET
  # Show a single document.
  def show
    @document = Document.find(params[:id])

Since params is not explicitly passed as an argument, you cannot use @param and @option to document them. One of the method that the YARD author suggests to document these methods is to use @overload tag.

  # @overload show(params)
  #   @param params [Hash]
  #   @option params [String] :id the id of the document
  def show
    @document = Document.find(params[:id])

VSCode Extension

VSCode has a YARD extension that provides auto-completion for YARD tags. It adds the documentation you hit Ctrl+Alt+Enter (Option+Command+Enter on macOS) when placing the cursor on the end of the method definition.

def foo(name, baz = false) # <- put cursor at any place of this line

It generates

# <Description>
# @param [<Type>] name <description>
# @param [<Type>] baz <description>
# @return [<Type>] <description>
def foo(name, baz = false)

I like using YARD because as you can see it’s easy to use, extensible and customizable. And after reading this, I hope you’re sold on it too! Happy documenting!